Headline RePLAY – 6.20.12

Today on Headline RePLAY: The New Super Mario Bros. series is supposed to look the same, Capcom is releasing Okami HD for the PS3 and Solid Snake returns for Metal Gear Solid 5.  

Destructoid contributor Tony Ponce lamented the “visual conformity” of the New Super Mario Bros. series in an editorial late last month—and Nintendo agrees, revealing in an interview that it was an “intentional” design decision and that it is “what people want.”

GameSpot had the opportunity to interview the man in charge of the New Super Mario Bros. series, Takashi Tezuka, and asked why the franchise is “very similar mechanically and visually.”

“It’s intentional,” Tezuka revealed. “That similarity in the visual style and the control style is all intentional. The things we feel like we’ve already promised the gamer is that Peach will be kidnapped by Bowser, and Mario will move from left to right. We know that’s what people are expecting!

“We know that there are all types of Mario games, as you said. So for us, with the New Super Mario Bros. series, we don’t really need to mess with it. This is what people want.”

Tezuka did add, however, that designers are taking “extra consideration” into what “art style” takes advantage of Nintendo’s transition to HD with the Wii U.

|Source: GameSpot

If you missed Okami on the PS2 and the Wii, and the sequel Okamiden on the DS, you may not want to miss Okami’s return—this time to the PS3 and in HD.

Capcom has confirmed the release of Okami HD, remastered for the PS3 with 1080p HD graphics, Trophies and optional PS Move support.

The news was first reported by Twitter user Sinobi (translated via Andriasang), followed by official confirmation from Capcom.

Okami HD is slated for release this fall on PSN and will be priced at $19.99.

|Source: Joystiq

The creative mastermind behind the Metal Gear Solid series has revealed that Solid Snake will be making a return in Metal Gear Solid 5, despite the fact that the developer wanted to “let him die” at the end of Guns of the Patriots. Oh, and the game will be about infiltration, espionage and convincing people to give players ‘a favor.’

“About Metal Gear Solid 5, I can tell you two things,” Hideo Kojima disclosed to French gaming magazine IG. “There will be much question of infiltration, espionage, and convincing people to give you ‘a favor’ like in the last Metal Gear Solid.

“I liked the idea of social interactions in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, but we will see. And if I say more, the female ninja public relations officer, who is behind the door, I will be carved up into pieces,” he warned. “So it’s better that we meet again when the time comes to talk about Metal Gear Solid 5.”

On Metal Gear: Revengeance and Solid Snake’s appearance, he said: “Metal Gear: Revengeance never claimed to be a Metal Gear Solid. This is not a game about our beloved Solid Snake. It is a spinoff that tries something different. We have not yet finished with Solid Snake, despite the fact that I wanted to let him die at the end of Guns of the Patriots.”

Kojima added that the in-house FOX Engine will be used for the upcoming game.

|Source: CVG

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