Headline RePLAY – 5.10.12

Today on Headline RePLAY: Rumors of a new Star Fox game, GameStop readies the sale of Steam vouchers and a Kid Icarus Uprising sequel is unlikely.

A new Star Fox game for the Wii U may be revealed at this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo alongside Pikmin and Mario, says an industry insider close to Techtroid.  

According to the unnamed source, the title is being developed by Retro Studios, who is already working on a Wii U project.

“It’s [Star Fox] a project everyone wants us to do,” Retro Studios said previously.  

While the latest Star Fox game will be shown off, it is not a launch title for the Wii U, says the source.

|Source: Techtroid via ScrewAttack

Conceding defeat of its push into online PC sales, GameStop is preparing to offer Steam vouchers in its stores on May 15th.

A GameStop source told Kotaku that it was “kind of sensitive issue,” considering the retailer’s purchase of Steam rival Impulse last year in order to compete with online PC sales.   

GameStop and Valve are unusual bedfellows in this agreement, but it’s a practical one that’s sure to profit both parties.

|Source: Kotaku

Even though Kid Icarus Uprising on the 3DS was a huge success in Japan and overseas, designer Masahiro Sakurai flatly rejects the idea of making a sequel.

“If by ‘lasting universe’ you mean to ask if there’s a sequel, the answer is no,” Sakurai told IGN when asked if he and the Project Sora team created the Uprising universe so it can be revisited for future projects.

Sakurai explained it was “because we pushed a lot into the game in order to let people have this short yet deep experience, but the novelty of that would likely grow thin in the next game.

“For now, my thought is that perhaps we’ll see someone else besides me make another Kid Icarus in another 25 years.”

|Source: IGN

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