Headline RePLAY – 3.12.12

Today on Headline RePLAY: Blizzard removes a feature from Diablo III to make it to release, Mass Effect 3 fans want another ending and Keiji Inafune returns to criticize the Japanese gaming industry.

Diablo III is coming soon™, but when you are set for release in the next few months and a feature isn’t ready the options are few. Rather than delaying the entire game, Blizzard has decided to remove PvP until it’s ready for release sometime after launch.

“After a lot of consideration and discussion, we ultimately felt that delaying the whole game purely for PvP would just be punishing to everyone who’s waiting to enjoy the campaign and core solo/co-op content, all of which is just about complete,” said Blizzard’s Jay Wilson.

Instead PvP will be implemented later via a patch and it is going to include multiple Arena maps, PvP achievements, a matchmaking system and a personal progression system.

*Source: Blizzard

Mass Effect 3 has been the lightning rod of controversy recently over its design choices, day one DLC and now—its ending. Many fans went to the BioWare forums last week petitioning the developer to change the ending as a patch or DLC.

Currently Mass Effect 3 offers three choices to affect the final outcome of Commander Shepard’s story, but fans want a chance for a more positive ending. On the BioWare forums there is a poll reflecting players’ sentiment for a new “brighter” ending by 89%, 30749 votes.

There is even a Twitter and Facebook campaign set up by fans to demand that BioWare respond to the issue.

*Source: BioWare Forums

Keiji Infanue is never one to shy away from speaking out on the state of the Japanese of the gaming industry, infamously calling it “finished” at GDC 2009. At GDC 2012, he returns to criticize how Japanese game developers are trapped in the glories of the past.

“It's like we’re in the Edo period, dressed up in topknots. There’s a limit to how far you can go on just those memories,” said Inafune in an hour-long speech at GDC. “The Beatles will never put out a new song with all four members; Steve McQueen’s not going to release a new movie.”

“So we just stick to our memories and up-rez a game to ship an HD version,” Inafune continued. “Japan has brand power but not people who will pour in effort. They’ve coasted and not made anything new. It’ll be too late when the brands hold no equity.

“I walk around and am fortunate to have fans say Mega Man! But those fans don’t just want Mega Man. They want something more.”

*Source: Kotaku

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