Headline RePLAY – 2.15.12

Today on Headline RePLAY: Assassin's Creed III release date is revealed, lots of Resident Evil 6 information to share and is Guild Wars 2 coming to consoles?

In a rather straightforward announcement, Ubisoft has revealed that Assassin's Creed III will be out this fall on October 30, 2012.

No other details were given, undoubtedly to be distributed as we inch closer to the release date.

“We will push the title a lot because it’s a fantastic product that the team has been working for three years,” said Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot. “What we have seen is just fabulous.”

*Source: GameInformer

Like an incoming wave of zombies, Capcom is handing out Resident Evil 6 details en masse today via this week’s Famitsu. Are you prepared for the incoming horde of information?
  • RE6 is 50% complete.
  • It’s not a return to the series’ roots, despite the added horror atmosphere.
  • Aiming to be the best entry to the series.
  • The third main character is designed to be relatable to younger audiences. 
    • Also will have an unrevealed partner character.
  • The President in the trailer is not Ashley’s dad, but rather his predecessor.
  • Zombies are not creations of the T-Virus
    • Can now wield weapons, run and jump.
  • Introduction of new “J’avo” enemies.
    • Exhibits certain human qualities like the ability to understand speech, work as a group and use weapons.
    • J’avos can regenerate damage via mutations into varied forms to promote unpredictability and player adaptability.
  • Revamped control scheme: ability to slowly move left and right while holding a gun, perform 180 degree turns, slide, roll in any direction, take cover, etc.  
It’s a lot of information to handle at once, but nothing a few headshots can’t handle, eh?  

*Source: Andriasang

ArenaNet publicly flirted with the idea of Guild Wars 2 on consoles before, but never hinted at any serious consideration of it. According to Guild Wars Insider, Guild Wars 2 coming on consoles has abruptly become an actual possibility via details gathered from a conference call.

“When it [console] comes to Guild Wars 2 as we have announced already, we are in the preparation stage. For other titles we are looking at various options as we speak. So once again, nothing has been finalized yet for me to make specific comments now.”  

After this made the rounds on the internet, ArenaNet has stepped in to clarify. “I think ‘stay calm, don’t panic’ will become my new mantra,” said ArenaNet’s Martin Kerstein. “We stated multiple times in public that we have a small team working on a console version, but we are fully dedicated to make the most kickass game for PC.”

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