Headline RePLAY – 1.5.12

Today on Headline RePLAY we keep it short and simple: the PS Vita just can’t catch a break and Star Wars: The Old Republic hits the record books!

For the third straight week PS Vita’s sales declined in Japan and resulted in a lackluster 42,648 units sold.

Media Create hardware charts lists Nintendo’s 3DS at the top of sales, despite the PS Vita’s recent launch and its 324,859 first week debut.

*Source: Andriasang

Star Wars: The Old Republic was hardly out for a month and its already breaking world records. Guinness World Records recognized the BioWare MMORPG as the “Largest Entertainment Voice Over Project”.

There were over 200,000 lines of recorded dialogue that were performed by several hundred voice actors, making Star Wars: The Old Republic the largest amount of voice acting in any video game— and any entertainment medium.  

*Source: MMOSITE

1 comment:

  1. Just like the PS3, it probably has no interesting games. Sony just doesn't have the first-party IP's that make Nintendo a smash hit.

    *legal disclaimer: I'm playing the heck outta MK7 on 3DS this week :D*
