Headline RePLAY – 1.23.12

Today on Headline RePLAY: A PS Vita hack allows the handheld to play PlayStation 3 games, Resident Evil 4 never seems to die and Guild Wars 2’s release on the Year of the Dragon.

Hackers are hard at work on cracking the PS Vita, but recently they got it to play PlayStation 3 games via its Remote Play feature. By using a hacked version of PS3 firmware 3.55, the console recognizes the handheld as a mobile phone, thus accessing its Remote Play feature.

The result can be seen in the videos above— games like Batman: Arkham Asylum, Battlefield 3, Mortal Kombat, and Red Dead Redemption can all be played on the PS Vita almost perfectly, except for the occasional, but severe input lag.

PS3 firmware 4.0 introduced the Remote Play feature officially, but it remains unknown why it requires a hacked version of old firmware in order to operate.

*Source: CVG

I propose a new drinking game: how many times can Capcom re-release Resident Evil 4 onto another platform before the end of the year? Resident Evil 4 might be universally praised, but does it really need to be on the Android now as well?

For those that need to have Resident Evil 4 on their Android phones, there’s so-so news and bad news. So-so news: the game is going to be a port of the iPhone version. Bad news: it’s a Korean exclusive only for LG’s LTE U+ market.

Like Street Fighter IV HD, we’ll probably have to wait a good three months before it’s released in the West.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to start taking shots.  

*Source: SmartKeitai

In a coincidental, but interesting parallel, the year of the Dragon (2012) will also be the launch year for ArenaNet’s Guild Wars 2. ArenaNet founder Mike O’Brien wrote that in March and April many gamers will have an opportunity to participate in the MMO’s beta test events.

“And of course,” said O’Brien, “This all leads to the release of Guild Wars 2 later this year.”  

*Source: ArenaNet

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